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Events Code of Conduct

To learn more about Mischief Management’s ongoing efforts:

Mischief Management is dedicated to creating a fun, safe, accepting, and welcoming space where fans can celebrate what they love. The safety and security of all attendees is of the utmost importance to us. Please read the below policies carefully before attending the event.

Terms of Service

All event participants, including, but not limited to, ticketed attendees, special guests, presenters, vendors, press, and staff, are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct. The event badge is required for admittance to any event function. Mischief Management reserves the right to take appropriate action, including revoking, without refund, this ticket for noncompliance with these terms; for disorderly conduct including, but not limited to, any behavior that is illegal, unsafe, disruptive, discriminatory, or causes excessive discomfort to another person; or for sale or attempted sale of a ticket above face-value price of the ticket.


Further, Mischief Management reserves the right to permanently exclude any person who does not comply with the Code of Conduct from future events.


Event participants are required to adhere to the instructions of all Mischief Management employees and agents, all security employees and agents, the staff of the venue, and any and all law enforcement personnel.


Event participants agree to observe and comply with any and all policies, rules, and regulations of the venue, all laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations of the Government of the United States, the state, county, and the city in which the event is taking place.


Anti-Harassment Policy

At the event, the safety of everyone at the event is our first priority. We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to: verbal or written comments or displayed images that harmfully reinforce structures of oppression (related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, geographic origin, or class); deliberate intimidation; stalking; body policing (including gender policing in all bathrooms); unwelcome photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. 


This is a private event, and as such, we reserve the right to remove any person from the event at any time. If a person engages in harassing behavior, Staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the event with no refund and contacting the appropriate authorities. Our policy applies to everyone at the event, including (but not limited to) attendees, exhibitors, speakers, special guests, professionals, press, staff, volunteers, and event security.


If someone’s behavior makes you uncomfortable, or if you witness harassment happening to someone else, you should immediately contact Staff. Staff will be designated by staff badges and red staff lanyards. You may also come to the customer service desk near Will Call to report an incident.


We ask that you abide by common sense rules to guide your behavior: If someone does not want to interact with you, don’t interact with them. If you do not have permission to touch someone, don’t touch them. We rely on your good judgment and respect for others and their property to create a fun and memorable event, and would hate for you to miss it, so please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these rules so that doesn’t happen!


If You Need Immediate Help

If you feel like your safety or the safety of another person is at risk, then please don’t hesitate to notify a staff member or security officer. You can also call the security hotline for immediate assistance. The phone number will be published prior to the event.


Weapons Policy

In order to maintain a safe space for all event participants, Mischief Management has a zero tolerance policy for real weaponry. Real weapons of any kind are expressly forbidden on the premises of any Mischief Management event. (“Real weapons” are defined here as any object designed or used for inflicting harm on any person). This includes all firearms, martial arts paraphernalia, any knives larger than a pocket knife, and airsoft guns. This also applies to attendees who may have a permit or license to carry said weapon, including off-duty law enforcement officers.


Any person found to be carrying a weapon of any kind may be required to turn over the weapon to the security staff and/or to have their ticket for the event revoked and to be removed from the event space.


Cosplay Policy

By attending the event, you agree that Mischief Management and venue staff members, who will be clearly designated by visible credentials, may, at any time, inspect any costume, costume weapon, or other items you bring to the event, and may take appropriate action, up to and including removing any person from the event space for violation of this policy.


Elements of costuming used to simulate the race of a character, including but not limited to makeup and bodysuits, are considered a violation of the Code of Conduct. You will be asked to remove the pieces of costuming or the costume as a whole. 


Always ask before taking photos of or with another attendee, including those in cosplay, and respect your fellow attendees’ right to say no. Unwelcome photography or videography is considered harassing behavior. If a person engages in harassing behavior, Staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from event with no refund and contacting the appropriate authorities.


We understand that our attendees may be cosplaying as characters who carry weaponry. All attendees agree to abide by our Weapons Policy as well as any policies enacted by the venue. 


Prop and/or costume weapons are permitted as part of a relevant costume. However, all prop weapons must be:


A. Conspicuously Fake

If your costume weapon looks realistic, federal law requires that it be either translucent enough that the inner mechanics are visible, or at least half-covered with solid white or bright red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, or pink.


B. Clearly Safeguarded 

Different styles of props will have different needs. Below, please find a non-exhaustive list of ways in which to safeguard your prop weapon.

Bows and slingshots must be either strung with a material that cannot hold tension or completely unstrung. They may not have the capacity to fire a projectile.

Arrows may not be tipped and they must be tied together and secured to the quiver.

Any kind of knife, sword, or other prop weapon with a cutting edge may not be sharpened or have the ability to cut.

Any projectile weapon must be incapable of firing.


C. Tagged by Mischief Management Staff

Upon arrival, attendees who are wearing costumes that include prop weapons must have their weapons logged and tagged at the customer service desk.


After you receive your badge, please proceed to the customer service desk. One of our staff members will examine your prop weapon, catalog it, and tag it with a neon cable tie. A staff member will be available to examine prop weapons at all times during registration hours.



You assume any and all risks occurring before, during, or after the event. You release Mischief Management and the venue and their agents, licensees, assignees, and their respective affiliates and representatives from any related claims.



Illegal drugs, weapons, and items that can be mistaken for weapons are expressly prohibited, even if they are part of a costume. Alcohol is permitted only if purchased at the event in accordance with local city, state, and federal laws.



All event functions have limited capacities as determined by the venue. Although your badge is required for admittance to all functions, it does not guarantee you access to any function if it has reached its capacity as determined by the local fire marshal. All autograph and photograph sessions are of a limited nature, and your badge does not guarantee access to them.

For Fans, By Fans
Mischief Management was founded by fandom veterans as a way to create events, media, merch and more that prioritizes the gfand and reflects their passions in ways that feel representative and fun. 
In Depth
Whether it’s about a popular subject or a super obscure fan theory, our programs, panels, podcasts, and special events, are carefully curated to give fans opportunities to investigate the topics they love.
Mischief creations focus on encouraging a passionate, lively, and welcoming environment that is inclusive for all fans in terms of race, sexuality, gender identity, physical ability, and more.  
Generous and Progressive
We believe in harnessing the awesome power of fandom to aid amazing causes. To date, our events have helped to raise over a quarter of a million dollars for various charitable organizations.

© 2025 Mischief Management, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

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